====== Monument to Adda ====== A large granite tablet was found buried near a Lost Gate outside of Bean City, M.R. by the party. Written in the ancient [[Gaddish]] language, it's mostly intact, though some of the engraved text was lost to the ages. It reads as follows: LET ALL PRAISE HER! Let all praise our Mother, Goddess of all creation. Let all praise our Mother, our loving protector. Let all praise our Mother, from whom all good things flow. Let all praise our Mother, the glorious and divine Light. Let all praise our Mother, and worship at the holy name [[Adda]]. Let all praise our Mother! Let the land itself praise her: the mountaintops, the forests, the plains, and the beaches that she made. Let all praise her Sacred Sisters. Let all praise her Divine Consorts. Let all praise her Holy Avengers. Let us unceasingly praise her, for we the [[Gaddish]] are her people. Let us praise her on this day, the day of our freedom! Let us praise her for preserving us from the oppressors. Let us praise her for her judgment upon the evil [[Ancients|Cetra]]. Let us praise her for ending their tyranny over Uru. Let us praise her, and thank her. We thank her for the gift of the Black Seed, which our generations have cultivated into the Black Organ, to thwart the Cetra's gates. We thank her for the gift of Mythril, which our generations have refined to protect us against the Cetra's evil power. We thank ............................ We thank her .................. [[The Orm|Orm]], our shelter from our foes. ........................... defeat the vicious monsters. ......................... across the world, our friends against our mutual captors. May none forget the deeds of Adda. May none forget her deeds, from this year, the 680th and last of the Cetra Kingdom, until the end of the ages. LET ALL PRAISE HER! MAY NONE FORGET HER BLESSINGS ON US!