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pokerole-server:server_faq_storytellers [2023/09/11 10:11]
pokerole-server:server_faq_storytellers [2024/05/14 20:19] (current)
priestessofneptune added worldographer per Azelo
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 <adm question How do I balance fights against player Trainers?> <adm question How do I balance fights against player Trainers?>
   * Generally, fights of equal rank and number will make a balanced fight. If your Trainers have three Pokemon at rank Amateur, an enemy trainer with three Amateur Pokemon in the fray will be a fair fight.   * Generally, fights of equal rank and number will make a balanced fight. If your Trainers have three Pokemon at rank Amateur, an enemy trainer with three Amateur Pokemon in the fray will be a fair fight.
-  * The Action Economy is also very important, IE, if three allied pokemon are attacking one enemy, the enemy, even at a higher rank, simply can’t keep up with three different pokemon attacking it. (AOE attacks can help balance this.)+  * The Action Economy is also very important, IE, if three allied pokemon are attacking one enemy, the enemy, even at a higher rank, simply can’t keep up with three different Pokemon attacking it. (AOE attacks can help balance this.)
 </adm> </adm>
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 **Random encounter** **Random encounter**
-Just as it name indicates, it’s just a battle that was generated randomly. It’s usually just a few wild pokemon that can be defeated in a couple of rounds, no special strategy is used and sometimes they don’t evade or clash attacks.+Just as it name indicates, it’s just a battle that was generated randomly. It’s usually just a few wild Pokemon that can be defeated in a couple of rounds, no special strategy is used and sometimes they don’t evade or clash attacks.
 Defeating them or running from them has no impact on the plot whatsoever. Defeating them or running from them has no impact on the plot whatsoever.
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 **Meaningful battle** **Meaningful battle**
-Can either be against a trainer or a strong pokemon or horde, but this battle is directly plot related, Victory means getting closer to the goal, Defeat still gives the players all they need to know but they now will have to find another way to reach their goal.+Can either be against a trainer or a strong Pokemon or horde, but this battle is directly plot related, Victory means getting closer to the goal, Defeat still gives the players all they need to know but they now will have to find another way to reach their goal.
 **Boss fight** **Boss fight**
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 Lower rank= challenging Lower rank= challenging
 Same rank = very hard Same rank = very hard
-Higher rank = dante must die+Higher rank = Dante must die
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 <adm question What are suggested ranks in the Pokedex for? Is that what rank the Pokedex entry is describing?> <adm question What are suggested ranks in the Pokedex for? Is that what rank the Pokedex entry is describing?>
-  * All entries in the Pokedex are Starter Rank. The suggested rank is a guideline of what rank that pokemon might be encountered at in the wild, but NOT a requirement. You can have a starter rank Dragonite or an Ace rank Caterpie appear in your games.+  * All entries in the Pokedex are Starter Rank. The suggested rank is a guideline of what rank that Pokemon might be encountered at in the wild, but NOT a requirement. You can have a starter rank Dragonite or an Ace rank Caterpie appear in your games.
 </adm> </adm>
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 </adm> </adm>
-==== Are there any prewritten Adventures/Modules for Pokerole? ====+==== Are there any pre-written Adventures/Modules for Pokerole? ====
 <adm question Are there any prewritten Adventures/Modules for Pokerole?> <adm question Are there any prewritten Adventures/Modules for Pokerole?>
   * As a matter of fact, quite a few are hosted on this very wiki. Jump the [[:index|Home Page]] and scroll down the the Modules list. They're also listed in the sidebar, by title only. All four are for Trainer games.   * As a matter of fact, quite a few are hosted on this very wiki. Jump the [[:index|Home Page]] and scroll down the the Modules list. They're also listed in the sidebar, by title only. All four are for Trainer games.
-  * A special call out to [[obsidian:pokexplorers:pokexplorers_index|Pokexplorer’s Summer Camp!]] A module specifically designed to help newcomers learn the system and help new DMs easy into DMing. Good for people who have never DMed before and/or never played Pokerole before. +  * A special call out to [[obsidian:pokexplorers:pokexplorers_index|Pokexplorer’s Summer Camp!]] A module specifically designed to help newcomers learn the system and help new GMs easy into GMing. Good for people who have never GMed before and/or never played Pokerole before. 
-  * There are currently no prewritten adventure for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Games.+  * There are currently no pre-written adventure for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Games.
 </adm> </adm>
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   * There are different schools of thought on making a national dex for your game. The highlights of both are listed here, and you'll have to decide for yourself which you'd like more.   * There are different schools of thought on making a national dex for your game. The highlights of both are listed here, and you'll have to decide for yourself which you'd like more.
   * **No National Dex** You can use any Pokemon you want for the environment your players are adventuring through, and they can catch whatever you'd like. If you want to make a Pokemon rare in the area/region, you can decide that on the spot. It's far less overhead to not have to maintain a list in advance as well.    * **No National Dex** You can use any Pokemon you want for the environment your players are adventuring through, and they can catch whatever you'd like. If you want to make a Pokemon rare in the area/region, you can decide that on the spot. It's far less overhead to not have to maintain a list in advance as well. 
-  * **National Dex** You can make regions feel more distinct by only offering certain Pokemon. You'll want to confirm with your players what Pokemon they want to have on their teams, so you can be sure to make them available. You'll need to work out the entire dex for each region in advance. Unless a player is trying to "catch em all" (a... questionable goal in a TTRPG) the players will likely not notice the limited dex size. +  * **National Dex** You can make regions feel more distinct by only offering certain Pokemon. You'll want to confirm with your players what Pokemon they want to have on their teams, so you can be sure to make them available. You'll need to work out the entire dex for each region in advance. Unless a player is trying to "catch em all" (a... questionable goal in a TTRPG) the players will likely not notice the limited dex size. 
 +  </adm> 
 +==== How long is a Scene? ==== 
 +<adm question How long is a Scene?> 
 +  * It is as long as you decide. They usually are delineated by a change of location or the passing of time without any specific action. Scenes often last less than an hour. 
 +  * Vampire V20 describes a scene this way: "a time and place in which actions and events take place moment by moment," (p. 513) and "like the basic division of plays and movies, a scene is a compact period of action and interaction that takes place in a single location. This could be the storming of a Tremere chantry, or a moonlit conversation on a park bench. There are exactly as many turns in a scene as the scene requires - there might not even be any turns if the scene consists of nothing but dialogue and character interaction." (p. 254)   
 +==== How can I make or get maps? ==== 
 +<adm question How can I make or get maps?> 
 +  * There are many already made or located in [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/641509055311118339|#maps]]. 
 +  * The world wide web may have such things available if you search.  
 +  * If you wish to make your own, any image editing software such as Paint, GIMP, Photoshop, etc will work. However, there is a lot of software specifically for making maps. Tiled, Inkarnate, and Dungeondraft seem to be most popular among pokerole GMs. 
 +       * [[https://github.com/XShadeSlayerXx/PokeRole-Discord.py-Base/blob/master/PokeRoleBot-Docs.MD|The PokeRole Helper Bot]] free, open source; good at making quick random PMD-style grid-based dungeons; browser/ discord 
 +       * [[https://www.mapeditor.org/|Tiled]] free, open source; good at grid-based maps; win7-11, mac, linux 
 +       * [[https://inkarnate.com/|Inkarnate]] free or subscription (5$/mo or 25$/yr in 2024); good at raster maps; browser 
 +       * [[https://dungeondraft.net/|Dungeondraft]] paid (20$ in 2024); good at integrating with roll20 and foundry; win10, mac, linux 
 +            * Kamidio has a list of [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/324413827632463872/1078089247006920827|asset packs]] 
 +       * [[https://www.wonderdraft.net/|Wonderdraft]] paid (30$ in 2024); good at world maps; win10, mac, linux 
 +       * [[https://shmeppy.com/|Shmeppy]] subscription (5$/mo in 2024); good at quick and dirty live grid-based maps; browser 
 +       * [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/592260/Dungeon_Painter_Studio/|Dungeon Painter Studio]] paid (early access 15$ in 2024); good at grid-based maps; win7-10 
 +       * [[https://profantasy.com/|Campaign Cartographer 3]] paid (45$ for the base software in 2024; there's lots of add-ons to buy); good at raster and vector maps; winXP-10 
 +       * [[https://donjon.bin.sh/fantasy/world/|Donjon]] free; good for quickly making random grid-based dungeons or hex world maps; browser 
 +       * [[https://worldographer.com/|Worldographer]] paid (40$ for the base license in 2024; additional paid add-ons for towns or more icons); good for making hex world maps in D&D 1e style; not suggested for use by Azelo; win?, mac, linux, java 
 +       * [[https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/downloads|RPG Maker]] paid (25-80$ in 2024); good at ???; winXP-11, mac (depending on version) 
 +       * [[https://www.dungeonalchemist.com/|Dungeon Alchemist]] paid (early access 45$ in 2024); good at AI-powered 3d grid-based maps; win7-11, mac, linux 
 +       * [[https://qgis.org/en/site/|QGIS]] free, open source; good at relating databases to vector map features; win7-11, mac, linux 
 +       * [[https://www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/products/arcgis-for-personal-use/buy|ArcGIS for Personal Use]] subscription (100$/ year in 2024); good at relating databases to vector map features; browser, win10-11