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obsidian:wordsofwillow:fabula_encounter_puzzle_design [2024/04/12 20:26]
obsidian:wordsofwillow:fabula_encounter_puzzle_design [2024/06/16 09:40] (current)
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 +====== NPC Roles ======
 +^Role     ^Description                                                       ^Skill Ideas                                                         ^
 +|Phys DPS |Deals damage against Physical Defense.                            |Increase Damage and Accuracy                                        |
 +|Magic DPS|Deals damage against Magic Defense                                |AOE, Apply Statuses, Elemental focus.                               |
 +|Gimmick  |Has a routine the NPC wants to complete in Conflict               |Creating Clocks, Changing stances, Conditional Bonuses              |
 +|Synergy  |Has abilities that get better when multiple of the NPC are present|Combo attacks, Status bonuses, Elemental synergy, triggers by allies|
 +|Support  |Has abilities that enhance allies                                 |Buffs, Protection, Healing Others                                   |
 +|Debuff   |Inflicts Status effects and deals bonus effects to those affected |Additional effects with Statuses, Buffs when enemies affected       |
 +|Tank     |Absorbs lots of damage                                            |Phys Resist, Healing Self, Protection                               |
 ====== Encounter Puzzle Design ====== ====== Encounter Puzzle Design ======
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 Passive synergies look at a specific State on a Target (the owner of the skill, the Target of an action the owner of the skill is taking, etc). When that State meets certain criteria (has the State at all, is above or below a certain value) the synergy will apply an effect. Passive synergies look at a specific State on a Target (the owner of the skill, the Target of an action the owner of the skill is taking, etc). When that State meets certain criteria (has the State at all, is above or below a certain value) the synergy will apply an effect.
 +^^The Gimmick Triggers when…                                                                                                ^
 +||**(Choose one: This Foe; A PC)** changes the the die size of their **(Choose one: Dexterity; Insight; Might; Willpower)**.|
 +||This foe suffers damage from a specific element.                                                                          |
 +||This foe suffers damage from a **(Choose one: Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Offensive Spell)**.                            |
 +||this foe suffers damage it’s **(Choose one: Vulnerable to, Neutral to , Resistant to, Immune to, Absorbs)**.              |
 +||This foe enters Crisis for the first time during a scene.                                                                 |
 +||One of this foe’s allies **(choose one: loses Hit Points; is defeated)**.                                                 |
 +||This foe suffers a specific status effect for the first time during a scene.                                              |
 +||This foe starts their **(choose one: first; last)** turn in the round.                                                    |
 +||a PC recovers **(choose one: Hit Points; Mind Points)**.                                                                  |
 +||a PC is buffed by a spell with a duration of “Scene”.                                                                     |
 +||a PC uses a potion, elemental shard, or magisphere.                                                                       |
 +||a PC uses the **(Choose one: Attack, Equipment, Guard, Hinder, Inventory, Objective, Spell, Study, Skill)** action.       |
 +||A Clock on the scene has segments **(Choose One: filled, removed)**.                                                      |
 ===== States to Observed ===== ===== States to Observed =====
-//State Changes can be “hard coded” to apply directly, or can be done via a game mechanic. IE: Damage State being changed could be an automatic loss of HP, or an attack being performed that may or may not hit. State Changes can also be thought of as the effects of attacks. //+//State Changes can be “hard coded” to apply directly, or can be done via a game mechanic. IE: Damage State being changed could be an automatic loss of HP, or an attack being performed that may or may not hit. State Changes can also be thought of as the effects of attacks.//
   * Stat Up/Down   * Stat Up/Down