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obsidian:root:raid_battles [2023/03/20 13:08]
obsidian:root:raid_battles [2024/06/16 10:12] (current)
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 ===== Narrative Notes ===== ===== Narrative Notes =====
-These mechanics are for any kind of one versus many battle that’s intended to be difficult. The difficulty can swing based on various factors though, so you can have a raid battle that won’t be boss tier difficult as well.+These mechanics are for any kind of one versus many battle that’s intended to be difficult. The difficulty can swing based on various factors though, so you can have a raid battle that won’t be boss tier difficult as well. Flavorfully, you can lean into regional mechanics (Tera, Mega, Dynamax…) or you can just treat the boosts the Pokemon will be receiving as a “knowing the terrain” bonus.
-Flavorfully, you can lean into regional mechanics (Tera, Mega, Dynamax…) or you can just treat the boosts the Pokemon will be receiving as a “knowing the terrain” bonus. There are lots of ways to flavor it.+===== Raid Badge Mechanic =====
-===== Mechanics =====+{{ obsidian:media:root:Emblem_Raid.png?nolink&200|}}
-For this section, //Raiders// refers to the group of pokemon (player controlled, most likely) versus the //Boss//.+A Pokemon with a Raid Badge is stronger than a normal Pokemon. This can be because of a regional phenomenonknowing the terrain, weird experiments, Arceus’s blessing, or anything else that fits your game. When you see the term //Raiders//, it refers to all the opponents battling against the Pokemon with the Raid Badge.
-In Raid battle, the Boss Pokemon will not be able to Dodge or Clash the Raider’s attacks. However, the Boss will have it’s health multiplied so that it can absorb more damage while using all of it’s actions each round to attackThe number it’s health is multiplied by is referred to as the Raid’s **Stars**.+A Raid Badge has numerical level that goes with it. This level is referred to as it’s //Badge Level//. Pokemon with a Raid Badge observe the following rules.
-The number of Stars varies depending on the difficulty the GM would like to have for the Raid battleThe more health the Boss has, the longer the fight will beFive is a good baseline for the Starsbut you will want to adjust up or down depending on what kind of Pokemon your Boss is(IE: Steel types absorb damage alreadyso maybe use four instead.)+  * This Pokemon’s Max HP is multiplied by it’s Badge Level. (//This is best imagined as multiple health bar layers, when you clear one, the next one starts taking damage.//
 +    * //Ex:// Pikachu has 5 Hp (4 Base, 1 from Vit). If Pikachu is given a Level 5 Raid Badge, Pikachu’s HP at the start of the fight is now 25, not 5. 
 +  * This Pokemon has a //Breakpoint// at each multiple of it’s Badge Level below it’s new Max Hp. 
 +    * //Ex:// 5, 10, 15, 20 are the Breakpoints of the Pikachu listed above. 
 +  * Whenever this Pokemon’s health is reduced to a Breakpointit ignore the rest of the damage from the move that brought it to the Breakpoint. 
 +    * //Ex:// If Pikachu is at 16 HP and takes 4 damage, it only loses one health. 
 +  * Whenever this Pokemon is reduced to Breakpoint, this Pokemon uses a **Raid Move** before the next Pokemon takes their turn. 
 +    * //Ex:// When Pikachu is reduced to 15 HPit decides to take an Aggressive Stance, one of it’s Raid Moves. 
 +  * The Pokemon cannot Evade or Clash moves. 
 +  * At the start of a battlea Pokemon with a Raid Badge can use one Raid Move immediately, before initiative starts.
-The original health of your Boss Pokemon determines the **Breakpoints** for your Boss. When a Boss hits Breakpoint, the rest of the damage from the move it was hit by is ignored and it can use a special action on the RaidersThese breakpoints divide the battle into phases, each phase being the time between hitting the next Breakpoint.+The Raid Badge mechanic works around the observation that a number of weaker Pokemon have so many more actions than a lone stronger Pokemon that the stronger Pokemon doesn’t stand chance. Raid Badges give the lone Pokemon back the actions it would spend on evading and clashing by giving it enough HP to absorb tons of damage from the weaker PokemonThe lone Pokemon also gets the
-In short, +==== Raid Moves ====
-  * the Boss’s HP is multiplied by the Raid’s Stars, +
-  * the Stars are how many phases will be in the fight. +
-  * Each phase ends when a Breakpoint is hit, which is whenever the Boss loses health total to it’s original HP. +
-  * Breakpoints allow Bosses to use special actions when they’re hit.+
-<adm example> +At a Breakpoint, a Pokemon with a Raid Badge gets to use one of the special actions listed hereThese actions do not require roll and do not count towards actions for the current roundActions that target Raiders cannot be evaded or clashed. Whenever the Pokemon with a Raid Badge targets All Foes in Range as part of a Raid Move effectall Raiders are targetedeven if there are more than the the Pokemon’s rank would allow it to target normally.
-The Boss of the upcoming raid battle is a PikachuThis Pikachu has base HP of 6The Storyteller decides to give the Raid 5 Stars, so Pikachu has 30 HP at the start of the raid. It’s Breakpoints become 241812, and 6. +
-If the opponent hits Pikachu with an 8 damage attack right from the get go (crazy, right?), Pikachu will only drop to 24, as that’s a BreakpointThen Pikachu gets to make a special action! +
-===== Special Actions =====+^Category^The Pokemon Takes on…      ^Effect                                                                                                                   ^ 
 +|Buff    |**an Aggressive Stance!**  |For the rest of the battle, all damaging moves this Pokemon uses //may// target All Foes in Range.                       | 
 +|Buff    |**a Energized Stance!**    |This Pokemon increases the max number of actions it can take per round by 1. This can be done multiple times.            | 
 +|Buff    |**a Defensive Stance!**    |When this Pokemon uses this action, This Pokemon uses both Light Screen and Reflect.                                     | 
 +|Buff    |**an Amp’d Up Stance!**    |Increase this Pokemon’s Strength, Dexterity, Special, Defense, Special Defense by 2. This can be used multiple times.    | 
 +|Shield  |**an Wondrous Stance!**    |Until this Pokemon hits it’s next breakpoint, it gains the ability Wonder Guard.                                         | 
 +|Heal    |**a Restorative Stance!**  |When this Pokemon uses this action, reset all reduced attributes and traits from itself and remove any negative statuses.| 
 +|Debuff  |**an Intimidating Stance!**|When this Pokemon uses this action, reset all increased attributes and traits from the Raiders.                          | 
 +|Regional|**a Gigantic Stance!**     |This Pokemon Dynamaxes, following all rules in the Dynamax section of the core book //except the HP increase//         | 
 +|Regional|**a Shining Stance!**      |This Pokemon Terastallizes.                                                                                              | 
 +|Regional|**a Evolving Stance!**     |This Pokemon Mega Evolves.                                                                                               | 
 +|Move    |**a Focused Stance!**      |Choose a Move this Pokemon knows. Whenever it uses that Move, the Move gains the “Never Fail” effect.                    | 
 +|Move    |**a Tricky Stance!**       |This Pokemon uses a Support move from it’s overall move list. If it targets Foes, it targets All Foes in Range.          | 
 +|Move    |**A Specialized Stance!**  |Choose a Move this Pokemon knows. It can use that move any number of times in a single round.                            |
-At Breakpoint, a Boss gets to use one of the special actions listed here. These actions do not require a roll and do not count towards actions for the current round. Actions that target Raiders cannot be evaded or clashed. Whenever a Boss targets All Foes in Range as part of a Special Action effect, all Raiders are targeted, even if there are more than the Boss’s rank would allow it to target normally.+//Specialized stance comes from Goat with Monocle on the Pokerole Discord!//
-^The Boss Takes on…         ^Effect                                                                                                                                                                                                                ^ +====== FAQ & Advice ====== 
-|**an Aggressive Stance!**  |When the Boss uses this actionall damaging moves it uses may target All Foes in Range for the rest of the battle                                                                                                  | + 
-|**an Intimidating Stance!**|When the Boss uses this action, reset all increased attributes and traits from the Raiders                                                                                                                          | +  The Raid Battle mechanics are very much a toolkitnot a flat set of rules. It is quite possible to be brutally unfair to the party using some of the mechanics listed hereTake stock as the GM using these rules and be aware of what your party is looking for in a combat
-|**a Restorative Stance!**  |When the Boss uses this action, reset all reduced attributes and traits from itself                                                                                                                                 | +  Steel types are naturally tanky and reduce the amount of damage done to themselves via high defensesKeep that in mind when using Steel type as a Raid Boss: I reduce the star by one just for having the typing on the Raid Boss. 
-|**Defensive Stance!**    |When the Boss uses this action, the Boss uses both Light Screen and Reflect                                                                                                                                         | +  Aggressive Stance is very swingy and can do lots of damage very quickly. It’s best saved for the last or second to last breakpoint, unless you’re feeling cruel
-|**a Gigantic Stance!**     |The Boss Dynamaxes, following all rules in the Dynamax section of the corebook //except the HP increase//                                                                                                           | +  Be careful what you use Tricky Stance withAttribute increases and decreases are the core of the this move, but you could be using it with status effect inflecting moves like Thunder Wave or Sing or other powerful support movesBe careful when using these to not drive the raiders into a corner; a paralyzation of the Pokemon whose been super effective half the fight ratchets up the tensionputting every raider to sleep will feel cheap and unfair.
-|**a Shining Stance!**      |The Boss terastallizes                                                                                                                                                                                              | +
-|**a Evolving Stance!**     |The Boss Mega Evolves.                                                                                                                                                                                                | +
-|**a Confident Stance!**    |The Boss uses a Support move that Increases or Decreases Attributes and/or Traits from it’s move listeven if it’s above it’s current RankWhen it Decreases Attributes and/or Traitsit targets All Foes in Range.+
-|                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |+