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obsidian:root:open_table [2022/05/19 19:52]
obsidian:root:open_table [2022/07/20 18:35] (current)
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-======= Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games! =======+====== Draft 1 ====== 
 +What’s an Open Table? 
 +I cannot describe the concept better than the original article does, so I highly recommend starting with the three articles found here: https:%%//%%thealexandrian.net/wordpress/38643/roleplaying-games/open-table-manifesto. 
 +If I have to summarize the articles, I’ll describe an Open Table as what it is not: “a regular group of 5 or 6 people who plan to all get together on a regular or semi-regular basis for 10 or 20 or more 4-8 hour sessions”. An open table instead supports the following: 
 +  * One Shot games, which are like a movie in that they are self contained stories you play in one sitting, though they may require an extra sitting or two depending on the game. 
 +  * “Sandbox” campaigns where each adventure in the world starts and ends in the same place or otherwise allows the roster to switch out between sessions. 
 +That’s a lot of variety! The common theme is that, unless it’s a sequel to a one shot that’s already started, players can rsvp freely to any game. Once you’ve made a character you can drop in for one, three, or twenty sessions of a Sandbox campaign without a problem. One shots of course, are self contained and everyone starts fresh each time it’s run. 
 +There’s also a lot of flexibility in an Open Table Community. Scheduling is handled casually, as the article put it, like a game of catch as opposed to joining a baseball league. The DM can simple set a date and the players can rsvp if they’re available! Alternatively, players can request a DM for a session/game they’d like to play and the DM can respond. 
 +Playing in an Open Table Community 
 +So all that’s great, but how do you play? Good question! There are two ways to get started. 
 +Open Calls are when a DM announces that they’ll run a game at a particular date and time. We have a channel dedicated just to these open-calls. They’ll look something like this. 
 +**Date & Time** When the game will played 
 +**Length of Session** how long the session will be 
 +**Play Style** For Online games, voice, video, text based games? For Offline games, where you’ll be playing. 
 +**System** The game system being. played 
 +**One Shot or Sandbox Game** From the above section 
 +**Max Players** RSVPs are first come first serve up to this number of players for the session. Anyone else who RSVPs after can be considered on a waitlist for the session in case someone cancels. 
 +Sponsored Sessions are when a player or group of players instead request that DM run a game for them. This can be directed to a specific DM, or posted in the sponsored-sessions channel if any DM can run that session. The players can provide some of the information listed under Open Call themselves, then the DM who accepts will fill in the rest. Once the session has a DM, it should be posted in the Open Call so any open spots can be filled. 
 +That’s all there is to it! All that’s left is to meetup and enjoy your game! If you’d like to give the GM’s ability to Mention you when they post Open Calls, be sure to ask someone for the @Players role! 
 +So you’d like to DM 
 +For one thing, definitely read the articles linked at the start of this guide. The second one in particular is a summary of what an Open Table game needs. 
 +As one additional rule, this server is not for long term games. While you may want to play in one with the people you’ve been playing with at the Open Table, please take that off of the Open Table server itself. 
 +Something many DMs have started doing on and off line is using mechanics known as Safety Tools to ensure everyone enjoys their time at the table. Even if you’re playing with people you’re acquainted with, spending a little time on setting expectations up front can ensure everyone has a great time. This article covers some of the biggest ones in use and I’d recommend (though it’s not required) using them for the peace of mind it gives you when playing with new people. https:%%//%%screenrant.com/tabletop-rpg-safety-tools-important-dungeons-dragons-rules/ 
 +The only remaining thing to do is ask for the @Game Masters role so that you can post messages in Open Call! You can also use the Player role to @ all players on the server, if you so choose when posting an opencall. 
 +Additionally, if you’d like to setup a Sandbox campaign, channels can be created for your game in a category dedicated to the game. We can also create a role for the game, so you can ping anyone whose played in the game before. 
 +====== Draft 2 ====== 
 +Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games! This a server dedicated to playing **pick up and play Tabletop RPGs** of two varieties: **One Shots** and **Open Table** games. 
 +**One Shots** are games you can play in a single sitting! Many are familiar with the concept of playing a single short story in a TTRPG that can wrap up in a session, but there are also games designed to be unique and different every time you play, not unlike a board game! 
 +**Open Table** games are ones where you can create a character and play in any session you’re available to attend, and not attending won’t negatively impact the game in any way! These games are kind of like an MMO in a way, where the world exists and your friends can quest while you aren’t online, but you can always join them if you’re available. 
 +Open Tables are not my original concept, they’re taken from this article: https:%%//%%thealexandrian.net/wordpress/38643/roleplaying-games/open-table-manifesto. If you want to know more about Open Table games, the author explains it far better than I. (There are three parts to the article, fyi) 
 +Game Masters can find players, players can find GMs, both can meet new people to play with, and entire campaigns can run without a weekly, 4-8 hour commitment to a group via this server. Scheduling (a frequent downfall to TTRPG groups!) isn’t an issue with Open Table games since you can hope in next time, and one shots can always be played again! There’s a lot of great perks to getting involved here, so I hope you’ll take advantage! 
 +**Playing in an Open Table Community** 
 +So all that’s great, but how do you play? Good question! We’re going to use the One Shots section of the server to explain, but Open Table games work the same way! Open Tables simply have their own batch of channels in their category on the server. 
 +The first way to play is to **join an Open Call** in #open-calls. Open Calls are where a GM will post information about a game they’re offering to run, including the date, the time, and a description of the game itself. **All you need to RSVP** to the game and say you’ll be there! Depending on the type of one shot, or if you’re RSVPing to an Open Table Call, you might need to do somethings before the session starts (character creation comes to mind!) but the GM for the game will help you with that. 
 +The second way to play is **requesting a Sponsored Session** in #sponsored-sessions. A Sponsored Session is simply a request by one or more players for a GM to run a game, at a specific time, or both! With any luck, a GM will sign on to your request and coordinate an Open Call for you to join in on. You can also use the @Game Master role alert GMs of your request as well! 
 +That’s all there is to it! All that’s left is to meetup and enjoy your game! **If you’d like to give the GM’s ability to Mention you when they post Open Calls, be sure to react to the Rolebot post in this channel for the @Players role!** 
 +**So you’d like to GM** 
 +Awesome! We always need more GMs! You can label yourself as a Game Master with the Rolebot post in this channel so players can alert you to any Sponsored Sessions to start with and you can create Events. 
 +If you’ll be running a **One Shot** game, go ahead and create a new Event for it! This discord function can be found in the server settings. This will allow you to set a time, date, and description along with claim a voice channel for your game. Once you’ve created the event, you can share the link to it in #open-calls so players can RSVP! 
 +If you’re looking to run an **Open Table** game, definitely read the articles linked at the start of this guide. The second one in particular is a summary of what an Open Table game needs. After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game. 
 +====== Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games! ======
 This a server dedicated to playing **pick up and play Tabletop RPGs** of two varieties: **One Shots** and **Open Table** games. This a server dedicated to playing **pick up and play Tabletop RPGs** of two varieties: **One Shots** and **Open Table** games.
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     * We may or may not have Cake     * We may or may not have Cake
-======= How to Get into Games! =======+====== How to Get into Games! ======
   * //We’re going to use the One Shots section of the server to explain, but Open Table games work the same way with their own copies of these channels//   * //We’re going to use the One Shots section of the server to explain, but Open Table games work the same way with their own copies of these channels//
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     * If a GM wants to pick up your request, they’ll create an Open Call you can RSVP to.     * If a GM wants to pick up your request, they’ll create an Open Call you can RSVP to.
-======= So You’d like to GM? =======+====== So You’d like to GM? ======
 Awesome! We always need more GMs! Awesome! We always need more GMs!
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     * After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game.     * After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game.
-======= Invite Link =======+====== Invite Link ======
 Self explanatory, if you’d like to invite a friend who’d have an interest in what we’re trying to do here, this is the link to send them! https:%%//%%discord.gg/tHbZBJWCrW Self explanatory, if you’d like to invite a friend who’d have an interest in what we’re trying to do here, this is the link to send them! https:%%//%%discord.gg/tHbZBJWCrW
 +====== Pitch ======
 +Hey! I’m sending out invites again for a TTRPG group I’ve put together on Discord call Beer and Pretzel Games! If you like:
 +- Trying out indie rpgs covering every possibly genre
 +- Playing One Shots
 +- Playing Open Table groups where you can drop in and out freely
 +- Not having to commit to a weekly, 4-8 hour session to play an RPG
 +- Running games? 👀
 +- Chatting about cool TTRPG stuff
 +- Beer and/or Pretzels
 +Come check us out! https:%%//%%discord.gg/tHbZBJWCrW