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index [2023/12/19 09:56]
index [2024/06/16 10:34] (current)
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 |{{ :obsidian:media:root:camp_point.png?nolink&100 |}}| [[obsidian:root:pokemon_base_camp|Pokemon Base Camp: A Downtime Brew]] | Mechanics to allow trainers to take various beneficial actions in stretches of downtime. | |{{ :obsidian:media:root:camp_point.png?nolink&100 |}}| [[obsidian:root:pokemon_base_camp|Pokemon Base Camp: A Downtime Brew]] | Mechanics to allow trainers to take various beneficial actions in stretches of downtime. |
 |{{ :obsidian:media:root:pasted_image_20231215104224.png?nolink&100 |}}| [[obsidian:root:reactions|Reactions]] | A set of basic maneuvers that unify Evade and Clash into the Move system. | |{{ :obsidian:media:root:pasted_image_20231215104224.png?nolink&100 |}}| [[obsidian:root:reactions|Reactions]] | A set of basic maneuvers that unify Evade and Clash into the Move system. |
 +|{{ :obsidian:media:root:chat-bubble.png?nolink&100 |}}|[[obsidian:root:that_move_was..._commentary|That Move Was…! A Combat Commentary Brew]]|An attempt at giving PCs who aren't actively fighting the chance to influence the fight in a small way.|
 +| {{ :obsidian:media:root:acoustic-megaphone.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[obsidian:root:cheers_brew|Cheers: a Pokerole Cheer Mechanic Brew]] | Scarlet Violet style Cheer mechanic for Trainers to take action in combat with. |
 +| {{ :presentation_.png?nolink&100 |}} | [[obsidian:root:presentation_a_contest_homebrew|Presentation! : a Pokerole Contest Brew]] | A skill check based Contest rule set you can use to run Pokemon Contests ala Ruby and Sapphire versions, without the board and cards mechanics in core 2.0. |
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