This is an old revision of the document!



Your character has answered a request for aid out in the Wild West. Said request read:

Help Request in Littlebank Town STOP
Wild pkmn attacking Town STOP
Looking for Pkmn trainers to drive them off STOP
Contact Mayor Sherman Sheppard Upon arrival STOP
Cash Reward STOP

Your character is to be built with the following guidelines:

  • Amateur Rank
  • Up to Two Pokemon
    • Both should be found at or under Amateur rank in the Pokerole Pokedex
    • Both Amateur rank
    • One may be in a second tier evolution, the other must be a first tier
    • No regional restrictions
  • To fit the wild west theme, take two zeros off the end of every price listed (Basically, yen to dollar).
    • Start with 30 dollars

The following homebrew rules will also be in place, to emulate the Legends style.

  • You cannot release more than one Pokemon into battle at a time (it’s considered too risky at this time and considered Taboo)
  • Trainers are considered to be in the fray automatically and cannot be considered out of the fray
  • Pokemon will often continue to target a trainer even after a pokemon has been released, at least until the trainer’s pokemon has dealt some damage. A successful Dexterity+Throw roll to hit a wild pokemon directly with a pokeball will draw it’s attention to the released pokemon, giving you some breathing room.