
Hippowdon (F)

Rank: Ace
Nature: Naughty (6)
Type Ground
Ability Sand Stream
Total HP 9

Str⬤⬤⬤⦿ΟΟ (4/6)Tough ⬤⬤⬤ΟΟ
Dex⬤⬤ΟΟ (2/4) Cool ⬤⬤⬤ΟΟ
Vit⬤⬤⬤⦿ΟΟ (4/6)Beauty⬤ΟΟΟΟ
Spe⬤⬤⦿⦿ (4/4) Clever⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Ins⬤⬤⦿⦿Ο (4/5) Cute ⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Brawl 3Channel 4Clash 0Evasion0
Alert 2Athletic 0Nature 0Stealth1

Sand Stream When this Pokémon comes out, it automatically starts the effects of Sandstorm Weather. The effects end when the Pokémon leaves the battle. (In case of stalemate the Pokémon with higher Will, might keep the dominant weather)
The Pokémon can activate a raging sandstorm around itself that will last for as long as it wants.



The user lets out an infectious yawn that will make anyone drowsy enough to fall asleep pretty soon.
Type Normal – Support
Target Foe – Power 0
Dmg Dice None
Acc Dice SPECIAL + CHANNEL = (8)
Effect If the target is not removed from battle by the start of its next Round, it will fall asleep.

Sand Attack

The user shoots some sand into the opponent’s eyes.
Type Ground – Support
Target Foe – Power 0
Dmg Dice None
Effect Reduce the foe’s Accuracy.


The user tears the ground apart in a monstrous display of force. If the foe falls through the fissure it might need a rescue team to get it out.
Type Ground – Physical
Target Foe – Power 0
Dmg Dice None + 0 = 0 (+1 STAB)
Acc Dice STRENGTH + BRAWL = (7 - 5 Successes)
Effect Ranged. Deal damage to the Target equal to their remaining HP plus 1 lethal damage. -5 Accuracy.

Fire Fang

The user breathes fire from its mouth while biting the target.
Type Fire – Physical
Target Foe – Power 2
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 2 = 6
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (5 - 1 Successes)
Effect Roll 2 Chance to Flinch the Foe. Roll 2 Chance Dice to Burn the foe. -1 Accuracy.


The Pokémon uses its fangs to viciously tear whatever it is biting.
Type Dark – Physical
Target Foe – Power 3
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 3 = 7
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (5)
Effect Lethal. Roll 1 Chance Dice to reduce foe’s Defense.

Take Down

The Pokemon recklessly grapples the foe to smash it on the ground.
Type Normal – Physical
Target Foe – Power 3
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 3 = 7
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (5 - 2 Successes)
Effect Recoil. -2 Accuracy.