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[!tip] A Riddle for You!!
> An important part of this place is having lots of Empathy for those living there!
  * **To Find** ''%%Clever/Insight+Empathy%%''
  * **Answer** The Pokemon Corral!
> Upon arriving at the corral, there’s a Tauros hanging out inside. He looks grumpy though, and you can see the badge you’re looking for on a post in the middle of the clearing.
The Tauros is indeed grumpy and will charge at anyone entering the Corral with the goal of chasing them out.
  * ''%%Dexterity+Athletic/Stealthx2%%'' Avoid the Tauros and grab the badge
[!tip] A Riddle for You!!
> You’ll be learning a lot here at Camp and one of the most important skills you’ll learn is how to use the things found here safely to help you and your Pokemon!
  * **To Find** ''%%Clever/Insight+Medicine%%''
  * **Answer** The Medical Tent!
> The medical tent isn’t far from your Cabins. A look around the tent itself doesn’t reveal the badge you seek, the closest thing you find is a tape on the cassette player reading “Wake Up Music”, but atop the flagpole beside it you do spot a Komala napping… and see a glint of red and white in it’s paw!
  * ''%%Strength+Athletcx2%%'' Climb the pole and take the badge
  * ''%%Social+Performx2%%'' Wake up the Komala with a song or the like. //Music is not required//
[!tip] A Riddle for You!!
> Depending on where you are, you might need six identical tools in a single sitting here! (Don’t worry, at Camp we don’t worry about fancy Etiquette like that!)
  * **To Find** ''%%Clever/Insight+Etiquette%%''
  * **Answer** The Dining Hall!
> The dining hall is a big long building that has tables for everyone to sit and a kitchen at the far end. The main room is efinitely all wood and no shiny metal badges, but there’s so much metal in the kitchen it’s going to be hard to find the badge!
  * ''%%Insight+Alertx2%%'' Spot the badge mixed in with the utensils and a Klefki
[!tip] A Riddle for You!!
> Somes trainers in the field aren’t Athletic enough to traverse these, and they need a pokemon to help them!
  * **To Find** ''%%Clever/Insight+Athletics%%''
  * **Answer** The Rock Wall!
> The climbing wall is at least 20 feet tall and towers over you. Worse, a Fearow has taken up residence on the top, and it’s guarding the badge! As you approach it preps it’s wings to blow gusts of wind at you, making the climb all that much more difficult.
The Fearow’s gusts aren’t full moves, they’re just for flavor. The Fearow isn’t willing to fight and flees if a Pokemon can use an attack that would reach it.
  * ''%%Vitality+Athletcx2%%'' Climb the rock wall despite the gusts
  * ''%%Tough+Intimidatex2%%'' Scare the Fearow off
[!tip] A Riddle for You!!
> Only someone really in tune with Nature will know where they can find Persim Berries on our camp ground!
  * **To Find** ''%%Clever/Insight+Nature%%''
  * **Answer** The Berry Trees!
> As you approach the berry trees you can spot the badge gleaming atop the tallest one… But It’s well out of anyone’s reach, and there’s nothing strong enough to climb on nearby! It doesn’t look like it’s going to fall like all the rotten berries around the base of the tree any time soon either.
  * ''%%Dexterity+Throwx2%%'' Knock the badge loose by throwing something