
Piplup (M)

Rank: Beginner
Nature: Relaxed (8)
Type Water
Ability Torrent
Total HP 5

Str⬤⬤ΟΟ (2/4)Tough ⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Dex⬤⦿Ο (2/3) Cool ⬤ΟΟΟΟ
Vit⬤⬤ΟΟ (2/4)Beauty⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Spe⬤⬤⦿Ο (3/4)Clever⬤ΟΟΟΟ
Ins⬤⬤ΟΟ (2/4)Cute ⬤ΟΟΟΟ
Brawl 1Channel 2Clash 1Evasion0
Alert 0Athletic 1Nature 0Stealth0

Torrent When this Pokémon’s HP is at half or less, Pain Penalization will not reduce successes from Damage rolls of its Water-Type Moves, and they will get 1 Extra Die to their Damage Pool.
This Pokémon builds up pressure to shoot water streams. When that pressure cannot be held in, it is released through uncontrollable torrents.


Water Sport

The user soaks the battlefield with moisture, making it harder for fire attacks to ignite.
Type Water – Support
Target Battlefield – Power 0
Dmg Dice None
Acc Dice SPECIAL + CHANNEL = (5)
Effect For the next 4 Rounds Fire Type attacks won’t add their Power to the Damage Pool.


A decent hit to smash the foes.
Type Normal – Physical
Target Foe – Power 2
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 2 = 4
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (3)
Effect -


Either by a menacing attitude or cute demeanor, the foe will be unsure about attacking the user with full force.
Type Normal – Support
Target All Foes – Power 0
Dmg Dice None
Effect Reduce the foe’s Strength. Sound Based. “Growl (Cute/Tough)”, the user should use the one with highest stat (tough / cute)


A spray of bubbles flies around the enemies, some of the bubbles stick to their bodies hindering their movement.
Type Water – Special
Target All Foes – Power 2
Dmg Dice SPECIAL + 2 = 5 (+1 STAB)
Effect Target all foes in range. Roll 1 Chance Dice to Reduce the Dexterity of those affected.