

A Bug/Water Pokemon with a Nature nature at Rank rank. It’s Abilities are:

  • Wimp Out Whenever this Pokemon reaches half of its total HP, it will switch out to its pokeball, sending an Ally to take its place. If there is no Ally, the battle may end. This Ability’s effect is not affected by Block.


HP (3)InitEvade Phys ClashSpec Clash
4 2 2 1 1
Str Dex Vit Spec Ins
1/3 2/5 1/3 1/3 1/3
Tough CoolBeautyClever Cute
1 1 1 1 1




  • Struggle Bug - Bug Type Special Move learned at Starter. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel with a damage pool of Special+1. Effect: Reduce the foe’s Special.
  • Sand Attack - Ground Type Support Move learned at Beginner. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Channel. Effect: Reduce the foe’s Accuracy.
  • Harden - Normal Type Support Move learned at Ace. Targets User. It’s Accuracy dice are Vitality+Nature. Effect: Increase the User’s Defense.
  • Aqua Jet - Water Type Physical Move learned at Pro. Targets Foe. It’s Accuracy dice are Dexterity+Brawl with a damage pool of Strength+2. Effect: Priority 1.
  • Spikes - Ground Type Support Move learned at Pro. Targets Battlefield. It’s Accuracy dice are Special+Nature. Effect: Foe Pokemon that enter the battlefield will lose 1 HP, this effect does not stack. Pokemon with the Levitate ability and Flying Type Pokemon are immune to this effect. Entry Hazard.