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MissingNo can be run in multiple ways.

MissingNo Variable Stats

Standard Pokemon Variant

HP 11
Defense 5
Special Defense 5

Whenever a Pokemon hits MissingNo with a Physical attack or MissingNo hits them with Sky Attack, the Pokemon loses 2 Will points. Pokemon that lose all their will points this glitch out of existence.

Unkillable Variant

HP Infinite
Defense 0
Special Defense 0

Whenever a Pokemon hits MissingNo with a Physical attack or MissingNo hits them with Sky Attack, the Pokemon loses 4 Will points. Pokemon that lose all their will points this glitch out of existence.


HP Infinite
Defense 0
Special Defense 0

Whenever a Pokemon hits MissingNo with a Physical attack or MissingNo hits them with Sky Attack, the Pokemon glitches out of existence.

MissingNo Generic Stats

MissingNo has 11 dice in all rolls it makes.

It has two moves, Sky Attack and Water Gun. It can use these moves multiple times in a round. They are modified from the original moves, be aware.

Water Gun

The user learns to shoot water with enough force to hurt the foe.
Type Water – Special
Target Foe
Damage Dice 11
Accuracy Dice 11

Sky Attack

The Pokemon darts from the sky with a graceful and lethal strike, propelling with the wind, crushing the foe to the ground.
Type Flying – Physical
Target Foe
Damage Dice 11
Accuracy Dice 11
Effect Lethal. High Critical. Charge Move. Roll 3 Chance Dice to Flinch the foe.