Age of the Twin Gods

  • [?] [ww] Lyarlel creates Aurii, filling it with plants and animals
  • [?] [ww] Lylalel adds humans to Aurii, with Lyarlel’s blessing
  • [?] [elbia] Lylalel spends time with humanity in disguise, and accidentally becomes pregnant.
  • [?] [elbia] Lylalel creates a city from the western Penmyrth Mountains, calling it Elbia
  • [?] [elbia] Lylalel lays an egg which she enshrines in empty Elbia, then returns to Lyarlel.
  • [?] [ww] Humanity grows and impressed the twin dragons, Lyarlel concede his sister’s idea was a good one and creates his own variation, the Laguz
  • [?] [elbia] Lylalel gets a human woman Illandria pregnant and whisks her away to Elbia, revealing herself as the goddess.
  • [?] [elbia] Illandria has a manakete child and Lylalel’s egg hatches, Lylalel and Illandria raise their children together in Elbia.
  • [?] [elbia] Illandria dies, and Lylalel returns to the heavens. Their six Manakete children are setup as rulers in Elbia and hide their origins.
  • [?] [kissaelain] The kissaelain people live more as animals than humans on the Akacie Pennisula
  • [?] [ww] Lyarlel expresses frustration with the humans and how they’re destroying his world
  • [?] [ww] Lylalel tries to reason with Lyarlel to no avail. Lyarlel turns nature against humanity, Lylalel provides humans with magic for a generation to combat this
  • [?] [elbia] Lylalel visits her children in Elbia and beseeches them to stay safe and hidden. Elbia is sieged by Lyarlel and his daemons, the city is destroyed, and the manakete are scattered.
  • [?] [ww] Lyarlel creates Aurii’s leylines, powered by a seed of his rage.. The corrupted leylines turn people and animals into daemons.
  • [?] [ww] The dragons clash for over a year and humanity tries to survive the conflict
  • [] [kissaelain] Lyarlel’s minions attacking the Kissaelain inspire them to form small communities
  • [?] [ww] Lylalel seals Lyarlel and herself into Aurii, the seal blocking the influence of the corrupting leylines and returning Aurii to normal. The twin gods are sealed away.
  • [?] [dreca] wyverns, cut off from the leylines but too far from the seal, fall asleep in the mountains of Novier to transform into non daemonic creatures

[0] Age of Humanity

  • [0] [ww] Humanity begins to rebuild in Western Aeldun
  • [1] [eraia] Aldwyn Threda of the Blessed Generation forms a nation on the coast of the Ramure Bay that honors Lylalel
  • [1] [eraia] A religion forms around Lylalel
  • [3] [wynne] Beornn Frith leads a group of people who do not wish to worship Lylalel to the north by sea, ending up on Gawic
  • [4] [ferre] Kouneli on the southwestern island Verrel form the beginnings of their capitial city Lithis
  • [5] [wynne] Wynne is settled and attracts the attention of the Naissankari who do not reveal their human forms
  • [20] [eraia] Two groups form and unite who are unhappy with the Church of Lylalel, one wanting access to the Blessed Generation’s magic and the other finding the Church rules too imposing
  • [21] [eraia] The two groups attempt a rebellion but fail; the Church offers them supplies to leave the city if they’re unhappy.
  • [21] [callora] Those finding the Church restrictive take the offer and go north, later splitting into three groups based on how they wanted their new nation to be run
  • [21] [dreca] Those wanting magic leave Eraia relucantly as they lost support of the other group; they sail south to land on the Akacie Pennisula
  • [21] [eraia] In a speech following the exodus of the rebels, the nation is named Eraia
  • [21] [kissaelain] Eraian rebels arrive on the western shore of the pennisula
  • [21] [callora] Helmann Sige’s people start to build their nation in the center of northern Aeldun
  • [22] [dreca] The rebels are driven across the pennsiula by Kissaelain and severely weakened
  • [22] [kissaelain] Kissaelain drive the rebels away from their villages, forcing the rebels along the southern half of the pennisula
  • [22] [dwyr] Cilia Lyne’s people form a kingdom in northwestern Aeldun, near some Age of the Gods ruins
  • [22] [torshan] Rousek Bomir forms the nation of Torshan in northeast Aeldun. The nation is founded on hunting and mining.
  • [23] [dreca] The rebels sail south to Novier, finally free to settle in a new nation they called Dreca
  • [23] [kissaelain] The Kissaelain begin to expand their communities into actual villages, inspired by what they could do as a united front
  • [50] [dwyr] Cilia lays out a ruling system based around the founding families of the nation, preparing for eventual death.
  • [57] [torshan] Ardich Cowler takes over after Rousek’s death
  • [58] [torshan] Ardich is overthrown in the first Torshan Uprising
  • [61] [callora] After Helmann’s passing, a con man takes advantage of the confused populace to become the next ruler of the new kingdom. He names the kingdom Callora after himself
  • [63] [ferre] Lithis reaches max population and begins to limit the number of children born each year
  • [70] [wynne] An aspiring Wynnite Chieftain and the daughter of the Naissankari chief are trapped together in a valley. They fall in love and are the first bridge between Wynne and the Naissankari
  • [70] [wynne] The Naissankari and Wynnite people mix cultures and the Naissankari are counted as Wynnite for all intents and purposes.
  • [78] [dwyr] Dwyr creates colleges to educate people and begins researching the ruins
  • [90] [dreca] Dreca’s capitial Locta is plagued with overcrowding issues due to rapid expansion
  • [93] [dreca] Rithard Antwic forms a sister city to Locta on the other side of the bay only the rich can afford
  • [95] [eraia] Eraia begins to research ruins and historical documents about magic
  • [100] [eraia] Eraia expands it’s military and territory, creating the towns Trisp and Estad.
  • [104] [torshan] Queen Lifhilda takes the Torshan crown
  • [106] [dreca] Drecians discover Wyverns in the mountains and begin training the first riders
  • [107] [torshan] Lifhilda forms diplomatic relationships with Wynne, impressing the Wynnites with her bluntness
  • [110] [wynne] With help from the Naissankari, Wynnites capture and manage to bond with a pegasus
  • [114] [wynne] wynne forms it’s first two pegasus knight units
  • [117] [eraia] Eraia discovers the ability to cast light magic and makes use of it as a weapon

[118] Eraian Crusades

  • [118] [eraia] Eraia, using propaganda of ‘those who reject Lylalel’s light must be shown it’ begins a Crusade to spread their religion.
  • [118] [ferre] Eraia sends an envoy to Lithis, offering for Ferre to join Eraia.
  • [118] [ferre] Ferre refuses Eraia who then invade with their full army that night, going down as the Night of Broken Burrows. Ferre is completely defeated by Eraia
  • [119] [kissaelain] Eraia arrives on the western shores and begins building the fort city Ebonary
  • [119] [kissaelain] Eraia sends soldiers on a mission around the territories looking to convert the villages to the Church of Lylalel, none accept
  • [119] [kissaelain] A group of traders from Callora make contact with the Kissaelain and are the first outsiders welcomed by the Kissaelain
  • [119] [kissaelain] Eraians marched on the territories from Ebonary, occupying every Kissaelain village
  • [119] [kissaelain] The traders from Callora flee the territories and bring news of the crusades to Callora
  • [119] [eraia] Eraia sends a force north of Lyall to march on Dwyr and Callora. Ninica of Dwyr was damaged before Eraia was forced to pull back
  • [119] [callora] King Callor Callora calls a council of Torshan, Dwyr and his own leadership to discuss the assault by Eraia
  • [119] [callora] The Alliance is formed by the three nations, sharing military power while respecting one another’s autonomity.
  • [119] [torshan] Torshan send a representitve to Wynne asking for their assistance in the war. Wynne agrees
  • [120] [callora] the city of Theanovene is half occupied by advancing Eraian forces before Wynnite reinforcements helped the Torshan and Callorian forces push them out, battle known as the Siege of Theanovene
  • [120] [callora] Anwood is nearly destroyed on the western front, Eraian forces push towards Ninica and further into Callora
  • [120] [dwyr] Dwyr researchers discover anima magic and weaponize rituals the same way Eraia has
  • [120] [dwyr] Dwyr uses anima magic to push Eraia from Ninica again
  • [120] [eraia] Eraia, realizing they no longer have military superiority, send messengers to discuss a ceasefire. A summit is held in Theanovene
  • [120] [eraia] Rainaut Diase brings terms of ceasefire which the Honoril Alliance is willing to accept. Wynne advises Eraia should be fought here and now.
  • [120] [theanovene] Theanovene’s leader Folquin Rauda declares Theanovene will become a neutral city not attached to any nation as part of the ceasefire. This is accepted by all parties
  • [120] [ww] The Aeldun Accords are signed and the Eraian Crusades end. The Honoril Alliance remains unified via the Alliance Treaty

[120] Theanovenian Renaissance

  • [121] [theanovene] Theanovene writes and signs the Theanovene charter, giving control of the city to each of the guilds in the city
  • [129] [kissaelain] Eraia returns Kissaelain lands to Kissaelain control due to low moral of occupying forces, Kissaelain resistance, and lack of benefits to occupying the Territories
  • [130] [theanovene] The first Thenaovene College of Magic is formed, bring knowledge of Anima and Light Magic to Eraia and the Alliance respectively; as well as the rest of the world
  • [136] [dwyr] Tomes are discovered in Dwyr’s College of Magic, the knowledge spreads around.
  • [140] [dreca] Dryn Wulfa performs a coup de’tat against the Haland leadership and turns Dreca into a dictatorship under military rule.
  • [141] [dreca] Dreca begins drastically increasing it’s military power, Dryn leading the nation to take Aeldun from the mainlands
  • [156] [eraia] Eraians invent a way to put a delayed release fire spell on iron spheres, creating rudimentary cannons. Dwyr and Torshan try to improve on this with more magic and less magic respectively

[160] Drecian Invasion

  • [162] [dwyr] Dwyr manages to create a miniature magic cannonball that activates when heated, allowing for safer usage
  • [163] [torshan] Torshan uses Dwyr’s magic cannon ball to create a single shot pistol prototype, expensive and hard to use
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