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Session Zero

  • World Creation Section (148)
    • Our map is the shape, is a hemisphere
    • Magitech, final fantasy esk, tech level by continent/location
    • Portals between kingdoms. Overland travel is extremely dangerous so trade is mostly done through portals. They go through an alternate elemental plane which is dangerous to humans for prolonged exposure, so ships must be used. Ancient tech
    • Magic floating gems
    • Regalia: City State run by Magical Research Types
    • Gods are final fantasy esk elemental icons
    • Historical event: Giant monster that required the portal to be created. There's a lost gate
  • Group Creation Section (152)
    • Seeker. The portals are closing and we need to fix that somehow. We're looking for ways restore the portals. We're tasked on this by Regalia.
  • Group Prologue (220)
  • Do we Include:
    • High Fantasy Splat
    • Techno Fantasy Splat
    • Zero Powers
    • Custom Weapons
    • Starting Bonds
    • Quirks
  • House Rules
    • RE: Fabula Points
    • Alternate Arcanist
  • Scheduling and how the Round Robin will be handled
  • VTTs and Tools