
Mosscari is a faraway marshland filled with small tribes and home of the Mosscarins (frog people). The nature of Mosscari was fairly barbaric before the arrival of The Holy Kingdom and the Transit Guild through a large Gate in the center of the Flood Forests. The Holy Kingdom united the tribes through the teachings of The Eternal Soul, creating a common law to follow in Mosscari. During this time is when The Holy Kingdom brought Bolota to power, a local witch that was trusted by the locals. Now a century has passed since the Gate to the Holy Kingdom has closed, Legacies are mysteriously disappearing, faith in The Eternal Soul is fading, and the Witch Queen is left unchecked. The tribes are getting desperate, and war is on the horizon.

Keywords Mystery, Corruption, Paranoia
Themes Witchcraft, Tribalism, Dying Religion / Faith, Rebellion on the Horizon
Terrain Swamp, Bog, Dark Forests, Lakes
Portals Barclaya (Nonfunctional)
Common Elements Poison, Dark Rare Elements Ice, Air, Fire


Rebelling Tribes, Cults / Zealots, The Witch Queen, Creatures and Plants in the wilds


Points of Interest

Barclaya: The Capital of Mosscari and location of the Gate. The entire city is built on top of a giant lily pad, rumored to be created by Bolota herself. The only humans that live in Mosscari don’t dare leave the comforts of Barclaya as it is the most civilized and advanced part of Mosscari by quite a bit. A large ‘militia’ has taken control of the district that the Gate lies in, allowing only authorized visitors to come and inspect the Gate. There is little danger here as long as you’re not a Legacy and you follow the Witch Queen's law, as she lives not too far in the Willowed Throne.

The Willowed Throne: A massive mangrove tree that has been hollowed and expanded upon to serve as the home of the Witch Queen Bolota. What transpires in The Willowed Throne is unknown, but there are numerous rumors. Rumors that the missing Legacies end up there or that the secrets to reopening the Gate are in there. The only people that are allowed in the Willowed Throne are Boloma or her elite guard known as the Hex Knights.

Flood Forests: A majority of Mosscari is made up of the Flood Forests, making travel through Mosscari on foot very difficult. Living vines, labyrinths of roots and mud, and various creatures mimicking the flora create a hazardous environment for the uneducated. Because of this the Oraa Clan tamed Dragonflies, a large insect capable of short distance air travel, and now makes a majority of their income by controlling the transport through the region. These large aerial insects ferry people across the Flood Forests with ease. However, ease does not necessarily mean safety, as tales of beasts large enough to hunt Dragonflies still make their way throughout the local eateries in Mosscari.

Notable People

Witch Queen Bolota -- Bolota came to power when the Holy Kingdom gave her it during the time of the Eternal Soul. She was their connection to the locals of Mosscari. Now that the Holy Kingdom is gone, Bolota still claims rule over Mosscari, and she has the resources to back it up. Over time her laws have become more tyrannical. There are also rumors that she's the reason the gate closed and that she's kidnapping Legacies in Mosscari. However a lot of the locals that disagree with her tend to blame all of the misfortune in Mosscari on Bolota.