“… (Chasing their tail, digging, being derpy etc.) (You can choose the form and what it's doing)”
Prompt by Glee
“(such as an action pose) with something in the foreground. This can be part of the Pokemon (such as a paw) or something it is focused on. Alternatively, draw a bird Pokemon in flight carrying someone or something.”
Prompt by Dei
“(e.g. like an explorer from the PMD games) being treated like a joke by a much larger pokemon.”
Prompt by Goat
Prompt by Dei
“…either as one another or the Pokemon as another Pokemon (including a higher evolutionary form). Include some indication of the surroundings.”
Prompt by Dei
Prompt by Goat
Use the Pokemon to, instead, add a sense of dimension, depth, scale or some other supporting role to your piece.
The Pokemon must be a first/base form.
You may use the Pokemon as a piece of interior design in a building, such as ruins.
Prompt by Dei
That is, have one or more Pokemon appear to be threatened by others; it does not have to be the exact same setup, but should feature a sense of foreboding.
The main Pokemon should be reaching for either a teammate/friend or an important thing of some kind (eg an orb).
Optionally, have the main Pokemon have a scarf or other identifying mark of some kind.
Optionally, have a legendary be present.
Optionally, have the main Pokemon face the threats.
Prompt by Dei
Prompt by Goat