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Scizor (F)

Rank: Ace
Nature: Hasty (7)
Type Bug/Steel
Ability Technician
Total HP 7

Str⬤⬤⬤⦿⦿⦿Ο (6/7)Tough ⬤⬤⬤⬤Ο
Dex⬤⬤⦿Ο (3/4) Cool ⬤⬤ΟΟΟ
Vit⬤⬤⬤ΟΟΟ (3/6) Beauty⬤ΟΟΟΟ
Spe⬤⬤ΟΟ (2/4) Clever⬤⬤⬤ΟΟ
Ins⬤⬤⦿⦿ (4/4) Cute ⬤ΟΟΟΟ
Brawl 3Channel 2Clash 2Evasion0
Alert 1Athletic 0Nature 0Stealth0

Technician Add 1 dice to the Damage pool of all Moves with Power 2 or less.
This Pokémon is meticulous and precise in tasks that everyone else would perform roughly and without care.


Shadow Rush Physical; Dexterity+Brawl; One Foe; Str+2; Lethal
Shadow Down Support; Special+Channel; All Foes; inflicts -2 Defense


The Pokemon feints a strike then hits for real even if the foe attempts to protect itself.
Type Normal – Physical
Target Foe – Power 1
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 1 = 7
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (6)
Effect Priority 2. This Move ignores any Shielding Move.

Double Hit

The Pokemon uses the classic ‘One-Two’ to attack the foe.
Type Normal – Physical
Target Foe – Power 2
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 2 = 8
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (6 - 1 Successes)
Effect Double Action. -1 Accuracy.

Fury Cutter

The Pokémon makes use of its claws or scythes to land as many hits as possible.
Type Bug – Physical
Target Foe – Power 1
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 1 = 7 (+1 STAB)
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (6)
Effect Successive Actions.


A vicious glare that will make any opponent doubt its own strength in battle.
Type Normal – Support
Target All Foes – Power 0
Dmg Dice None
Effect Reduce the Defense of those affected.

Razor Wind

A sharp wind current is unleased against anyone standing against this Pokemon.
Type Normal – Special
Target All Foes – Power 3
Dmg Dice SPECIAL + 3 = 5
Effect High Critical. Charge.

Metal Claw

The Pokémon attacks using its sharp claws, the friction may leave them even sharper.
Type Steel – Physical
Target Foe – Power 2
Dmg Dice STRENGTH + 2 = 8 (+1 STAB)
Acc Dice DEXTERITY + BRAWL = (6 - 1 Successes)
Effect Roll 1 Chance Dice to Increase the user’s Strength. -1 Accuracy.