Table of Contents


Skill Checks

Rule of Cool

• Making a particularly cringe-worthy pun or one liner.


  1. Roll Initiative, take the highest from the allies, if higher than highest enemy Speed stat, Allies act first.
    • WIL+PER When attacking firest
    • AGI+PER When engaged by someone else
  2. Allies and Enemies act as a group on their turn, each gets three actions that can be taken in any order. Up to Two Actions can be Major.
    1. Allies
      • Major Actions
        1. Attack an enemy (See Attacks table)
          • Optionally, Capacity Boost (Spend 1 Capcity, +1 Accuracy)
          • If Accuracy roll 5 or more greater than threshold, apply Defense Thresholds.
          • If Accuracy roll of Attack > Target’s Defense Threshold, Deal Damage.
        2. Use Semblance (Non combat use)
          • Semblance Infusion (Spend 2 Cap to add Element dust effect)
        3. Reload (Restore DIS+1 Capacity)
        4. Two Actions Charge Attack (Attack, spend 1-3 Capacity, add Capacity spent to Accuracy and Damage)
      • Minor Actions
        1. Move 1 range increment closer/further from someone
        2. Make a Skill check
          • Capacity Boost (Spend 1 Capcity, +1 to Skill Check)
        3. Grapple target
          • STR+PER versus target’s Speed. On a Success with RoC:
          • Equal to target’s Threat: Target held in place
          • Less than target’s Threat: Move with Target when it moves
          • Greater than target’s Threat: Allows you to -
            • Move Target with you as major action
            • Throw with STR+END versus Defense Threshold.
    2. Enemies
      1. Move 1 range increment closer/further from someone
      2. Make an Attack
        1. Target choses a Defense Roll (see Defending)
        2. If roll < than attackers Attack Attribute, deal Damage listed in block.
      3. Use a special ability on stat block

Attack Resolution


Attack Accuracy Range Damage Capacity Special
Melee Weapon Melee Weapon Style Adjacent 1d6+STR
Ranged Weapon Ranged Weapon Style Long Range 1d6 -1
Thrown Melee WeaponMelee Weapon Style Close Range1d6 Lose Weapon
Semblance WIL+Relevant AttributeClose WIL Requires Aura
Unarmed STR+END Adjacent STR
Dust Phial DIS + Color Dependent Close DIS -2

Defense Thresholds

When an Accuracy Roll is a certain amount higher than the Defense Threshold of the Target being attacked, the attack gains additional effects. The following list shows the effects under how many points are required to achieve them. Chose one from each tier that applies. IE, if the accuracy roll is 15 over, chose a +5, +10, and +15.

Optionally, you can take a lower tier bonus instead of a higher tier (a +5 rather than a +10).



Name Roll On Success Description
Parry STR+PERDeal 3 points of damage to Attacker Physically parrying the blow
Dodge AGI+PERMove 1 Range increment OR do one minor action that doesn’t need a roll
Resist END+PEROn Failure, can take 1 HP instead of damage to Aura Tanking the hit
Semblance WIL+PERBefore Roll Can Empower for 1 Aura, Requires 1+ Aura Use Semblance to avoid injury.
Dust DIS+PERCan Capacity Boost the check (1 Capacity, +1), Cost -1 Dust Use Dust


Increment Feet AwayMovements Away
Adjacent 5 Feet 0
Close 30 Feet 1
Medium 45 Feet 2
Long 60 Feet 3
Distant 75+ Multiple

Status Effects

Name Effect
Blinded Decreate Attack Threshold by 5 and have disadvantage on attacks next Action Sequence
Cleaved Decrease all Defense Thresholds by 5
Confused Decrease Target’s Specal Threshold by 5 for and cannot use semblance next Action Sequence.
Cripped Decrease Attack Threshold by 5.
Held Target cannot make a move action next Action Sequence.
Helpless Cannot take any actions rest of Scene. (Unconscious)
Stunned Cannot take any actions next Action Sequence
Staggered Reduce Target’s Speed by 5 for and lose one action during next Action Sequence
Weaken Until hit, Defense threshold reduced by 5. Disadvantage on attacks next Action Sequence
Cover Increase Defense against Ranged Attacks by 5
Disarmed Reduce Attack Threshold by 5, minor action to pick up weapon


STR X Jump Lift Intimidate Grapple Break
AGI Jump X Climb Sleight of HandDodge Stealth
END Life Climb X Performance ResistanceResolve
WIL IntimidateSleight of HandPerformanceX Influence Hacking
PER Grapple Dodge Resistance Influence X Detection
DIS Break Stealth Resolve Hacking Detection X
