{{ https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/966006375480164372/1066841122632118382/Willowlark_FAQ_Banner.png?height=300 }}
====== Guides for FAQ ======
* If you don't see your question answered here, [[pokerole-server:server_faq|check the other sections]].
* If you have a suggestion for this list, see this page: [[:pokerole-server:server_faq_submission|Question Submission for the Pokerole FAQ]]
==== What is an Errata: ====
- Typos
- Grammar Mistakes / Wonky Sentence Structure
- Errors in information (i.e. Pikachu being listed as a dark type)
- Inconsistencies in the information (i.e. Move says it's Power 3 but the Damage pool space says Strength + 1)
- Floating letters or pixelated images
- Repeated content
==== What is Not an Errata ====
- Comparing stats between Pokemon and changes you think should be made //even if the games support your thoughts, Pokerole is not required to be fully up to date to the latest Gen//
- Comparisons between the games and Pokerole, //for newer Gens see above, for older games you may ask **respectfully**, if it was intended in pokerole but more than likely, it was//
- Demands to changes in the system //(You're welcome to discuss a homebrew in homebrew-discussion , or ask respectfully why something is the way it is in pokerole)//
- Complaints about X thing being broken //(gm-discussions exists if you need help dealing with a broken mechanic, also house rules are a thing)//
- Fakemon (Just no.)
Storytellers! There’s an addendum for the Guide [[https://discord.com/channels/245675629515767809/641791348885815317/928006654446936104|here]] that applies to you.
==== I've checked the rules, how do I submit? ====
- [[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18bRQqQ7eABUG6W9C4YLBZiZCHMsWDnlxqbShnQgRhO4/edit?usp=sharing|Check if anyone else has submitted the errata to the team already on this spreadsheet.]] (If you see it mentioned, don't resubmit, even if the status isn't marked "Fixed" yet)
- [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCWke-C62WjI4pjuLVMRY3agFt-XHBhfxfonXtXWp3mvPzbA/viewform?usp=sf_link|Submit your Errata using the following form.]]
- Post the errata you found in the Errata channel of the Discord. Then if you have additional comments, or others want to comment on your errata, start a Discord Thread based off your original message. Please do not have conversation in the Errata channel.