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obsidian:root:rwby_tt_cheat_sheet [2022/05/28 14:50]
willowlark created
obsidian:root:rwby_tt_cheat_sheet [2022/07/20 18:35] (current)
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-======= Mechanics =======+====== Mechanics ======
-====== Skill Checks ======+===== Skill Checks =====
   * All skill checks begin on ''%%2d10%%''.   * All skill checks begin on ''%%2d10%%''.
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     * When both are 1, you get a natural 2. Natural 2’s automatically fail.     * When both are 1, you get a natural 2. Natural 2’s automatically fail.
-====== Rule of Cool ======+===== Rule of Cool =====
   * Rule of Cool is shared by the whole party.   * Rule of Cool is shared by the whole party.
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   * When you roll a natural 2, lose a Rule of Cool.   * When you roll a natural 2, lose a Rule of Cool.
-======= Combat =======+====== Combat ======
   - Roll Initiative, take the highest from the allies, if higher than highest enemy ''%%Speed%%'' stat, Allies act first.   - Roll Initiative, take the highest from the allies, if higher than highest enemy ''%%Speed%%'' stat, Allies act first.
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       - Use a special ability on stat block       - Use a special ability on stat block
-======= Attack Resolution =======+====== Attack Resolution ======
-====== Attacks ======+===== Attacks =====
 ^Attack             ^Accuracy                      ^Range      ^Damage ^  Capacity  ^Special      ^ ^Attack             ^Accuracy                      ^Range      ^Damage ^  Capacity  ^Special      ^
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 |Dust Phial         |''%%DIS + Color Dependent%%'' |Close      |DIS    |     -2                 | |Dust Phial         |''%%DIS + Color Dependent%%'' |Close      |DIS    |     -2                 |
-===== Defense Thresholds =====+==== Defense Thresholds ====
 When an Accuracy Roll is a certain amount higher than the Defense Threshold of the Target being attacked, the attack gains additional effects. The following list shows the effects under how many points are required to achieve them. Chose one from each tier that applies. IE, if the accuracy roll is 15 over, chose a +5, +10, and +15. When an Accuracy Roll is a certain amount higher than the Defense Threshold of the Target being attacked, the attack gains additional effects. The following list shows the effects under how many points are required to achieve them. Chose one from each tier that applies. IE, if the accuracy roll is 15 over, chose a +5, +10, and +15.
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     * Dispatch Target (Reduce Target’s health to 0.)     * Dispatch Target (Reduce Target’s health to 0.)
-======= Tables =======+====== Tables ======
-====== Defending ======+===== Defending =====
 ^Name       ^Roll           ^On Success                                                            ^Description                   ^ ^Name       ^Roll           ^On Success                                                            ^Description                   ^
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 |Dust       |''%%DIS+PER%%''|Can Capacity Boost the check (1 Capacity, +1), **Cost** -1 Dust       |Use Dust                      | |Dust       |''%%DIS+PER%%''|Can Capacity Boost the check (1 Capacity, +1), **Cost** -1 Dust       |Use Dust                      |
-====== Range ======+===== Range =====
 ^Increment  ^Feet Away^Movements Away^ ^Increment  ^Feet Away^Movements Away^
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 |Distant    |75+      |Multiple      | |Distant    |75+      |Multiple      |
-====== Status Effects ======+===== Status Effects =====
 ^Name       ^Effect                                                                                    ^ ^Name       ^Effect                                                                                    ^
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 |Disarmed   |Reduce Attack Threshold by 5, minor action to pick up weapon                              | |Disarmed   |Reduce Attack Threshold by 5, minor action to pick up weapon                              |
-====== Skills ======+===== Skills =====
 ^X    ^STR       ^AGI            ^END        ^WIL            ^PER       ^DIS      ^ ^X    ^STR       ^AGI            ^END        ^WIL            ^PER       ^DIS      ^
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 |DIS  |Break     |Stealth        |Resolve    |Hacking        |Detection |X        | |DIS  |Break     |Stealth        |Resolve    |Hacking        |Detection |X        |
-====== Dust ======+===== Dust =====
   * Red Dust - Fire   * Red Dust - Fire