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obsidian:root:royale_battles [2023/08/17 10:33]
willowlark created
obsidian:root:royale_battles [2024/06/16 10:12] (current)
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 ===== Narrative Notes ===== ===== Narrative Notes =====
-Star Battles take the form of one or more trainers battling a large group of opponents. In Scarlet and Violet, a single trainer with three Pokemon would take on an entire gang of Team Star delinquents! The pokemon used by the large group are weaker though, and meant to be fodder for the smaller group to carve their way through. You can use a Star Battle for cutting through grunts before getting to the boss, a horde of Pokemon in their nest, or an organized group of weaker mons in a mystery dungeon.+{{ obsidian:media:root:Team_Star.png?nolink&200|}} 
 +Star Battles take the form of one or more trainers battling a large group of opponents. In Scarlet and Violet, a single trainer with three Pokemon would take on an entire gang of Team Star delinquents! The pokemon used by the large group are weaker though, and meant to be fodder for the smaller group to carve their way through.
-===== Mechanics =====+You can use a Star Battle for cutting through grunts before getting to the boss, a horde of Pokemon in their nest, or an organized group of weaker mons in a mystery dungeon. 
 +## Mechanics
 ==== Setup ==== ==== Setup ====
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 ===== Narrative Notes ===== ===== Narrative Notes =====
 +Unite Battles are a unique type of battle that take place on Aeos Island in Pokemon Unite. These are typically 5v5 battles where Pokemon not only compete on the battlefield, but also compete to score points after their victories.
 +In the games, Pokemon evolve while collecting Aeos energy during the match, this aspect isn’t modeled in this homebrew. It’s something you could add in for your own games. (perhaps a great way to test builds before investing the training time). You do not have to run Unite Battles as 5v5 either, you can do whatever team size you choose.
 ===== Mechanics ===== ===== Mechanics =====
 +In a Unite Battle, two teams compete to score points by getting knock outs of either the opposing team’s Pokemon, or wild Pokemon that nest in the battlefield. This battlefield is setup in a number of zones, shown in the below image. The zones that are on the “track” surrounding the center are Goals, 5 are for the team on the left and 5 are for the team on the right. The team are traditionally 5v5, however it’s recommended you use one per player.
 +==== Setting Up ====
 +First, you’ll need Wild Pokemon that live on the map. These Pokemon pop up between rounds and hang around until defeated by a competing Pokemon. All Wild Pokemon in a Unite Battles are Royale Pokemon, with a Badge Level. When defeated, they award the Pokemon that defeated them a number of //Aeos Points// equal to their Badge Level. Choose a few species, decide which zone they spawn in, and have their sheets ready.
 +Next, you’ll need an opposing team. This team is built normally, and should be a fair challenge for your players. Players will begin in the left most zone, while their opponents begin in the far right.
 +A Unite Battle should take place over a set number of rounds. Ten is a good baseline to start, but you may want to adjust based on your team compositions.
 +==== Playing a Match ====
 +{{ obsidian:media:root:IMG_1443.png?nolink&200|}}
 +The team with the highest score at the end of a match wins. Aeos Points are cashed in at one of the Goals owned by the opposing team. A Pokemon can use it’s action on it’s turn to Score, which count the Aeos Points it’s carrying towards it’s team. This also prevents the Aeos Points from being stolen: any time a competing Pokemon faints, it drops all it’s Aeos points for the opposing team to pick up!
 +Asides from the goals the competitors start in, each goal has a limit on how many points may be scored in it. Once that limit is reached, Pokemon will need to go further toward their opponent’s side of the field to score. This limit is defaulted at 10, but it can be adjusted as needed.
 +Each competing Pokemon rolls initiative and takes turns as normal. In addition to the Action they can normally take on their turn, Pokemon can also move up to two zones. The zones you’re moving to must be connected. Pokemon can only do combat with Pokemon in the same zone as them. A Pokemon may move before or after they make an Action, but they may not split movement.
 +Wild Pokemon spawn in their zones and do not leave them. They’ll battle a competing pokemon in the same space, and always act after a competing Pokemon takes an Action in that zone. Whoever uses the move that faints a Wild Pokemon get the Aeos Points from it. Be careful not to have your points stolen!
 +When a competing Pokemon faints, that Pokemon returns the battle at their starting zone at the start of the next round.
 +<adm information Reviving Pokemon>
 +In the video game, these battles are filled with Aeos Energy which allows Pokemon to quickly recover after fainting. This applies to both the Pokemon competing on either team, and the wild Pokemon in the field. You may not wish to tie Aeos Energy to this mechanic: you could simply have Nurses on standby, or require trainers to use a different mon if theirs faints. Be creative with it!
 +A Storyteller might want to rule that Pokemon are only aware of other Pokemon in zones they or an ally is in. This “fog of war” can create some interesting tactics, but will complicate things for the Storyteller.
 +At the end of each round, the Storyteller is able to restore wild Pokemon to any zone they wish, even if the zone wasn’t occupied at the start. You can put Pokemon with high Badge Levels in distant spots to force a fight between the two teams!