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obsidian:root:pokemon_base_camp [2024/03/06 20:23]
obsidian:root:pokemon_base_camp [2024/06/16 10:12] (current)
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 ====== Downtime Activities ====== ====== Downtime Activities ======
-!{{ obsidian:media:root:camp point.png?nolink&200|}}+{{ obsidian:media:root:camp point.png?nolink&200|}}
 Downtime Activities are just that, things that a trainer can do during a section of Downtime. During each section of Downtime the Storyteller will give trainers a number of **Camp Points**. Trainers will spend their Camp Points on activities they’d like to perform and follow the rules associated with that activity. Downtime Activities are just that, things that a trainer can do during a section of Downtime. During each section of Downtime the Storyteller will give trainers a number of **Camp Points**. Trainers will spend their Camp Points on activities they’d like to perform and follow the rules associated with that activity.