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obsidian:root:open_table [2022/05/19 19:32]
willowlark created
obsidian:root:open_table [2022/07/20 18:35] (current)
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 +====== Draft 1 ======
 What’s an Open Table? What’s an Open Table?
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 Additionally, if you’d like to setup a Sandbox campaign, channels can be created for your game in a category dedicated to the game. We can also create a role for the game, so you can ping anyone whose played in the game before. Additionally, if you’d like to setup a Sandbox campaign, channels can be created for your game in a category dedicated to the game. We can also create a role for the game, so you can ping anyone whose played in the game before.
- +====== Draft 2 ======
 Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games! This a server dedicated to playing **pick up and play Tabletop RPGs** of two varieties: **One Shots** and **Open Table** games. Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games! This a server dedicated to playing **pick up and play Tabletop RPGs** of two varieties: **One Shots** and **Open Table** games.
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 If you’re looking to run an **Open Table** game, definitely read the articles linked at the start of this guide. The second one in particular is a summary of what an Open Table game needs. After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game. If you’re looking to run an **Open Table** game, definitely read the articles linked at the start of this guide. The second one in particular is a summary of what an Open Table game needs. After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game.
-======= Draft 3 =======+====== Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games! ======
-Welcome to Beer and Pretzel Games! This a server dedicated to playing **pick up and play Tabletop RPGs** of two varieties: **One Shots** and **Open Table** games.+This a server dedicated to playing **pick up and play Tabletop RPGs** of two varieties: **One Shots** and **Open Table** games.
   * **One Shots** are games you can play in a single sitting!   * **One Shots** are games you can play in a single sitting!
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     * Open Tables play with whoever’s available, scheduling and missing a session aren’t problems     * Open Tables play with whoever’s available, scheduling and missing a session aren’t problems
     * These are persistent worlds you adventure in, a mix of One Shot standalones and traditional campaigns     * These are persistent worlds you adventure in, a mix of One Shot standalones and traditional campaigns
-    * Open Tables are not my original concept, they’re taken from this three part article: https:%%//%%thealexandrian.net/wordpress/38643/roleplaying-games/open-table-manifesto.+    * Open Tables are not my original concept, they’re taken from this [[https://thealexandrian.net/wordpress/38643/roleplaying-games/open-table-manifesto|three part article]].
     * Give it a read!     * Give it a read!
-  * Why is all this cool?+  * **Why is all this cool?**
     * Game Masters can find players     * Game Masters can find players
     * players can find GMs     * players can find GMs
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     * We may or may not have Cake     * We may or may not have Cake
-**Playing in an Open Table Community**+====== How to Get into Games! ======
   * //We’re going to use the One Shots section of the server to explain, but Open Table games work the same way with their own copies of these channels//   * //We’re going to use the One Shots section of the server to explain, but Open Table games work the same way with their own copies of these channels//
   * First, react to the Rolebot message in this channel for the @Players role so you’ll get pings for open games.   * First, react to the Rolebot message in this channel for the @Players role so you’ll get pings for open games.
   * **The first way to play is to join an Open Call** in #open-calls   * **The first way to play is to join an Open Call** in #open-calls
     * Open Calls are where a GM will post information about a game they’re offering to run, including the date, the time, and a description of the game itself.     * Open Calls are where a GM will post information about a game they’re offering to run, including the date, the time, and a description of the game itself.
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     * If a GM wants to pick up your request, they’ll create an Open Call you can RSVP to.     * If a GM wants to pick up your request, they’ll create an Open Call you can RSVP to.
-**So you’d like to GM**+====== So You’d like to GM? ======
 Awesome! We always need more GMs! Awesome! We always need more GMs!
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     * After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game.     * After that, an admin can get you setup with channels dedicated to your game.
-Invite Link+====== Invite Link ======
 Self explanatory, if you’d like to invite a friend who’d have an interest in what we’re trying to do here, this is the link to send them! https:%%//%%discord.gg/tHbZBJWCrW Self explanatory, if you’d like to invite a friend who’d have an interest in what we’re trying to do here, this is the link to send them! https:%%//%%discord.gg/tHbZBJWCrW
 +====== Pitch ======
 +Hey! I’m sending out invites again for a TTRPG group I’ve put together on Discord call Beer and Pretzel Games! If you like:
 +- Trying out indie rpgs covering every possibly genre
 +- Playing One Shots
 +- Playing Open Table groups where you can drop in and out freely
 +- Not having to commit to a weekly, 4-8 hour session to play an RPG
 +- Running games? 👀
 +- Chatting about cool TTRPG stuff
 +- Beer and/or Pretzels
 +Come check us out! https:%%//%%discord.gg/tHbZBJWCrW