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obsidian:pokexplorers:pokexplorers_story [2023/02/09 07:15]
obsidian:pokexplorers:pokexplorers_story [2023/10/27 10:51] (current)
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 > The front gate to Camp Pokexplorers is bustling with all the new campers arriving. The big wooden gate towers over the camp ground’s entrance and has “Pokexploration Starts Here” on a colorful sign in the center. The dirt path is well traveled leading into the woods where the Camp must be. The day is warm and sunny and the tree leaves sway softly due to a pleasant breeze. The serenity of the scene is marred slightly by the sound of cars dropping campers off and goodbyes of the hurried and prolonged variety behind you. > The front gate to Camp Pokexplorers is bustling with all the new campers arriving. The big wooden gate towers over the camp ground’s entrance and has “Pokexploration Starts Here” on a colorful sign in the center. The dirt path is well traveled leading into the woods where the Camp must be. The day is warm and sunny and the tree leaves sway softly due to a pleasant breeze. The serenity of the scene is marred slightly by the sound of cars dropping campers off and goodbyes of the hurried and prolonged variety behind you.
-Have each player describe themselves and their arrival by answering these questions.+Go around the table and have each player describe their character and their arrival by answering one or more of these questions.
 <adm question Introductions Questions> <adm question Introductions Questions>
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 //[[Cabin Corner]]// //[[Cabin Corner]]//
-If the players have already started talking together, they can bunk together if they so choose. If they enter a Cabin alone, assign them one of the NPC trainers as a bunk mate. Ethan is likely a poor choice, unless a character is looking to be mean to his fellow campers.+Transition to the cabins by reading the description of them on page 1. If the player characters have already started talking and bonding, they can bunk together if they so choose. If they enter a Cabin alone, assign them one of the NPC trainers as a bunk mate. Ethan is likely a poor choice, unless a character is looking to be mean to his fellow campers.
 ^Name         ^Sex^Notes                                                  ^ ^Name         ^Sex^Notes                                                  ^
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   * What’s the most important thing you packed?   * What’s the most important thing you packed?
 </adm> </adm>
-After giving each player the chance to meet their roommate and answer a question or two, they hear the blonde counselor calling for them to come to the campfire spot. All roommates head out towards it immediately.+After giving each player the chance to meet their roommate and answer a question or two, they hear the blonde counselor calling for them to come to the campfire spot. All the NPC campers head out towards it immediately.
 ===== Campfire Circle ===== ===== Campfire Circle =====
 //[[Campfire Circle]]// //[[Campfire Circle]]//
 +Once again, transition the scene using the description of the Campfire Circle on page one.
 > The two counselors are waiting for you in the circle and unsurprisingly the blonde girl starts talking as soon as everyone arrives. > The two counselors are waiting for you in the circle and unsurprisingly the blonde girl starts talking as soon as everyone arrives.
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 > Hubert then speaks up for the first time. He brushes his hair from his face and gives everyone a serious look. “Don’t stray into the woods. It’s too dangerous.” Becky nods in agreement then blows a whistle to be your starting bell. > Hubert then speaks up for the first time. He brushes his hair from his face and gives everyone a serious look. “Don’t stray into the woods. It’s too dangerous.” Becky nods in agreement then blows a whistle to be your starting bell.
-Give the players a chance to breath, ask questions, or RP a bit, but before they leave, read the following.+Give the players a chance to breath, ask questions, or RP a bit with the counselors and other campers. More information on how the hunt is run mechanically is in the next section. Before the PCs leave the campfire areathey should witness the following scene.
 > A stocky boy with dark hair cut short and a rough and tumble look about him climbs up on a log bench when the counselors are out of earshot. “Listen up! This is a competition now! And I’m going to be the winner. You wanna come in second place though, or any place but last, cause whoever does the worst in all the events this weekend is going to get a pounding from me!” He punctuates his statement by pounding his fists together. > A stocky boy with dark hair cut short and a rough and tumble look about him climbs up on a log bench when the counselors are out of earshot. “Listen up! This is a competition now! And I’m going to be the winner. You wanna come in second place though, or any place but last, cause whoever does the worst in all the events this weekend is going to get a pounding from me!” He punctuates his statement by pounding his fists together.
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 The Scavenger Hunt is run as follows. Each Riddle will require a different type of roll to know the answer to. Any player can make an attempt to figure out the answer for any player’s riddle, 1 success is all that’s required. Once at the location hinted in the riddle, the players will be faced with a second skill challenge, physical in nature. 2 successes are required on these checks, or a creative use of the parties Pokemon. The Scavenger Hunt is run as follows. Each Riddle will require a different type of roll to know the answer to. Any player can make an attempt to figure out the answer for any player’s riddle, 1 success is all that’s required. Once at the location hinted in the riddle, the players will be faced with a second skill challenge, physical in nature. 2 successes are required on these checks, or a creative use of the parties Pokemon.
 +//There will be suggested skill rolls for acquiring the badge listed with each riddle. If your players come up with a different way to get badge, let them roll for that solution! Just pick the skill and attribute that apply most to what they’re doing.//
 The riddles are self contained on this page: [[Riddles]]. The riddles are self contained on this page: [[Riddles]].
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 //[[Campfire Circle]]// //[[Campfire Circle]]//
-Breeze through dinner with a few questions.+Breeze through dinner with a few questions spread about amongst the players. Let an interesting moments that come up from the player’s answers play out as a full scene if you’d like.
 <adm question Dinner Questions> <adm question Dinner Questions>
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   * How’s the food?   * How’s the food?
 </adm> </adm>
 +To keep things moving, glaze over the rest of the evening as well. Here are some questions that cover “Bedtime” that you can pose to the group before moving into Day 2 of camp.
 <adm question Bedtime Questions> <adm question Bedtime Questions>
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 </adm> </adm>
 ====== Day 2 - Pokemon Battling! ====== ====== Day 2 - Pokemon Battling! ======
 +Here’s one more set of questions to cover the morning. Use the player’s answers as a way of transitioning into the new day before they get started on the next big event.
 <adm question Morning Questions> <adm question Morning Questions>
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   * Does your roommate snore?   * Does your roommate snore?
 </adm> </adm>
 +Once the players have answered a few questions, the counselors will have the campers move to the Combat Clearing. Introduce this new area of the camp via the following
 +> This area of the camp is packed down dirt, and chalk lines have been drawn for a Pokemon battlefield! Logs sit on one of the log edges of the battlefield, set up for people to watch the fights.
 ===== Combat Clearing ===== ===== Combat Clearing =====
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 |Roman    |[[Roman’s Joltik]]    | |Roman    |[[Roman’s Joltik]]    |
 |Jameson  |[[Jameson’s Shuppet]] | |Jameson  |[[Jameson’s Shuppet]] |
-|Alice    |[[Alice’s Purrlion]]  |+|Alice    |[[Alice’s Purrloin]]  |
 |Valentina|[[Valentina’s Ponyta]]| |Valentina|[[Valentina’s Ponyta]]|
 |Caroline |[[Caroline’s Piplup]] | |Caroline |[[Caroline’s Piplup]] |
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 ==== Lunch Break! ==== ==== Lunch Break! ====
-After the first set of rounds, Becky calls for everyone to have lunch.+With the sun getting high in the sky, Becky calls for a break in the battling for some boxed lunches!
 <adm question Questions> <adm question Questions>
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 > “Hush nerd! Send out your Joltik already!” > “Hush nerd! Send out your Joltik already!”
-Presumably, the PCs will intervene. Ethan is combative and will fight anyone, but if the PCs gang up on him he scoffs and tries to play it off like they’re not work his time. Roman is too scared to help in any way, though he’ll be incredibly thankful after the fact.+Presumably, the PCs will intervene. Ethan is combative and will fight anyone, but if the PCs gang up on him he scoffs and tries to play it off like they’re not worth his time. Roman is too scared to help in any way, though he’ll be incredibly thankful after the fact.
 <adm danger Versus Ethan!> <adm danger Versus Ethan!>