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obsidian:feapocalypse:fire_emblem_apocalypse [2024/03/06 20:22]
obsidian:feapocalypse:fire_emblem_apocalypse [2024/06/16 10:12] (current)
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 A Conflict has a Battlefield, which is a point crawl style map. The following is a small Battlefield: A Conflict has a Battlefield, which is a point crawl style map. The following is a small Battlefield:
-!{{obsidian:media:feapocalypse:Pasted image 20231117110923.png?nolink&600|}}+{{obsidian:media:feapocalypse:Pasted image 20231117110923.png?nolink&600|}}
 Each point on a Battlefield has one or more connections to a different point. These connections can be traversable by all (shown here as solid lines), <del>traversable by non-Knights (shown here as dashed lines)</del>, or traversable only by Fliers (shown here at dotted lines). While there are no formal turns nor move distances, in the time to travel between two points other character should be given the chance to act. Each point on a Battlefield has one or more connections to a different point. These connections can be traversable by all (shown here as solid lines), <del>traversable by non-Knights (shown here as dashed lines)</del>, or traversable only by Fliers (shown here at dotted lines). While there are no formal turns nor move distances, in the time to travel between two points other character should be given the chance to act.