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nfgmfabula:bestiary [2024/01/31 11:52]
nfgmfabula:bestiary [2024/04/01 14:11] (current)
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 ^ Creature | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-def.png?nolink&21 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-mdef.png?nolink&25 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-phys.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-wind.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-bolt.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-dark.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-earth.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-fire.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-ice.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-light.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-poison.png?nolink&20 |}} ^ Description | ^ Creature | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-def.png?nolink&21 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-mdef.png?nolink&25 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-phys.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-wind.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-bolt.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-dark.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-earth.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-fire.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-ice.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-light.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-poison.png?nolink&20 |}} ^ Description |
 ^ Platycat |.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| A cat about as big as a Doberman. Big and fluffy almost like a round ball. Has a flat tail like a platypus. | ^ Platycat |.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| A cat about as big as a Doberman. Big and fluffy almost like a round ball. Has a flat tail like a platypus. |
 ^ Devil Boar |.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| A large boar that leaves a trail of fire wherever it goes. Burns its food with its fire breath before it eats. | ^ Devil Boar |.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| A large boar that leaves a trail of fire wherever it goes. Burns its food with its fire breath before it eats. |
 +  * [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/955gKXGzEFKt1HNknwPB/|Animated Painting]] - A painting that's been enchanted to attack on command. Used as security for high end vaults or homes.
 +  * **Retribution Hound** [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/e9kDjHYPBNNNgx1Q4sLK/|(Phase 1)]] [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/Xv0LvM5kEXOLqQsNcK6n/|(Phase 2)]] - Gigantic hounds native to Beregand. They aren't particularly resilient in their first form, but once pushed to their breaking point they turn everything they suffered back onto them. 
 +  * [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/eEggwBRGaADLl4ksKUj5/|Mafia Soldiers]] - The foot soldiers of the various Mafia Families of Olcressia. They work best in numbers, as they're unskilled and rely on their weapons for everything. 
 +  * [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/Fs1t5JUGCJ2gG5zcTH2c/|Mafia Lieutenant]] - The lieutenant of the various Mafia Families of Olcressia. They leave the manual combat to their Soldiers, and provide assistance from the back line. They typically specialize in an element and are weak to it's opposite: but they also resist Poison. 
 +  * [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/a9l9KmQZBwzgPZi9qPIq/|Mafia Rifleman]] - The elite marksmen of the various Mafia Families of Olcressia. 
 +  * **Bruno Mancini** [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/Zc4qWQwaCV2M8skJJrRF|(Non Villain)]] [[https://fabula-ultima-helper.web.app/npc-gallery/N9HBhCLnlFgE3rhcAVJ7/|(Villain Form)]] - One of the Capos of the Mancini Family. A hulking brute of a man whose always eager to fight.
 ====== Creatures of The Otherside ====== ====== Creatures of The Otherside ======
 ^ Creature | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-def.png?nolink&21 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-mdef.png?nolink&25 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-phys.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-wind.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-bolt.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-dark.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-earth.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-fire.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-ice.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-light.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-poison.png?nolink&20 |}} ^ Description | ^ Creature | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-def.png?nolink&21 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-mdef.png?nolink&25 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-phys.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-wind.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-bolt.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-dark.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-earth.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-fire.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-ice.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-light.png?nolink&20 |}} | {{:nfgmfabula:fu-poison.png?nolink&20 |}} ^ Description |
 ^ Cocoon|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| A mysterious creature shaped like a cocoon, has hard exterior, when threatened merges with other cocoons to evolve quicker. | ^ Cocoon|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| A mysterious creature shaped like a cocoon, has hard exterior, when threatened merges with other cocoons to evolve quicker. |